#Roads & Transport
Car Drivers in Rugeley, Staffordshire
United Kingdom

Are you sick and tired of all the speed humps and potholes in Rugeley? If you are please read and sign this petition and WE can get something done about it.

Are you aware of the damage to the suspension and tyres to vehicles due to the repeated knocks and jolts of the unnecessary speed humps around the town on Rugeley?

Many of the speed humps are in a state of disrepair with potholes on the entry or exit and several of them are over the regulation height of 100mm high.

The speed humps in Rugeley are everywhere and while we understand the use of them to slow traffic down, they are in areas which do not need them, or at least alternative methods of traffic calming could be used which do not cause damage to vehicles.

Repairs to cars in Rugeley to suspension parts are common place and failure of MOT's due to the suspension areas are very common. The continued jolts to the ball joints, coil springs, struts, wishbone etc, are causing these areas to fail prematurely.

Cars are also experiencing damage by scraping the bottom of the cars on the sump guards, which car lead to damage to the sump and therefore major damage to the cars engine.

An Express & Star newspaper article has been published on the 20th March 2015 which highlights the information above.

These speed humps are causing unnecessary distress, time and money to the residents in Rugeley, with myself being £400 out of pocket due to suspension and tyre damage to my own car.

We the residents of Rugeley call on the Highways Agency and Staffordshire Council to address the points below to the speed humps in Rugeley:

Remove all speed humps that are over regulation height of 100mm.

Where traffic calming is necessary, use altertative means.

Where road humps are in place and remain essential ensure they are regulation height and Increase the length of the entry and exit ramps.

Repair potholes.

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The Speed Humps and Potholes in Rugeley, Staffordshire petition to Car Drivers in Rugeley, Staffordshire was written by james and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.