Flag Network Team

after 31th march incident "the contract unlocking before the decided time " alot of things has been said and one of the things that made it way to the surface is that one of your team member "Daniel O'Sullivan" it appears that the profile picture of his linkedin is shutterstock picture and the fact that there is no social presance for the rest of the flag team ,all of this make us as community and investers very suspicious of this project

we, the undersigned , members and investers and holders we requeste The Flag Network Team to reaveal thier identitie and hold a Video AMA for the community to prove that there is a real team behind this project and that it's not a scam and also to change the total supply to 10 billiob flag after you fnish the buy back

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The show your identitie and prove for them that flag isn't a scam petition to Flag Network Team was written by Mahdi Maza and is in the category Business at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

flag team crypto ido