#Human Rights
Show support for Dr Peter Boylan

Petition to support Doctor Peter Boylan,

We the undersigned wish to express our whole-hearted support for Dr Peter Boylan and other healthcare professionals like him who will stand up and tell the truth about the effects of the 8th Amendment on Irish woman and the damage this Amendment has caused and is capable of causing. We condemn utterly any group or organisation that seeks to have this man removed from his position for speaking the truth about the loss of life this Amendment caused.

Petition to support Doctor Peter Boylan,

We the undersigned wish to express our whole-hearted support for Dr Peter Boylan and other healthcare professionals like him who will stand up and tell the truth about the effects of the 8th Amendment on Irish woman and the damage this Amendment has caused and is capable of causing. We condemn utterly any group or organisation that seeks to have this man removed from his position for speaking the truth about the loss of life this Amendment caused.

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The Show support for Dr Peter Boylan petition to Show support for Dr Peter Boylan was written by Tina OhAoilean and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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