#Animal Rights
Xi Jinping - Presiden of the People' Republic of China, Thersa May - UK Prime Minister

(There are NO photos or video’s here since these are so distubing and horrible)

This horrible tradition need to be stopped ASAP and we need YOU to Sign this Petition

Petitioning: Xi Jinping - President of the People's Republic of China; Theresa May - UK Prime Minister; Erna Solberg - Norway’s Prime Minister

This year's edition of the infamous dog eating festival is scheduled to start on June 21st in the Chinese city of Yulin, in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in the southern part of the country. I am hereby calling on all people with compassion and love for animals to join my campaign to stop over 10, 000 dogs from being cooked in the name of culinary tradition. We need to make sure Yulin 2018 does not take place under any circumstances, so please sign and share widely!

Historie of The festival

Although the origin of dog meat consumption can be traced back to ancient China, there is no such record specifically for the area where the festival is held. In order to make the festival more appealling (and try to legitimize it), local traders falsely claim that eating dog meat is a local custom that has been passed on from generation to generation. The first edition of Yulin festival was held in 2009.

What is The festival all about?

Locals claim this festival represents the true spirit of the area. Basically, over 10, 000 dogs are expected to be prepared to mark the Summer Solstice, an important date in the Chinese calendar. The pooches - mainly stolen pets that still have their collars on or strays - are grabbed from the streets or their yards, crammed in wire cages and piled into trucks, where they face a journey that can last even days (with just enough room to breathe and no food and water, one can imagine what they are going through). Because of these difficult conditions, many dogs do not even make it to Yulin. The dogs that are still breathing are put on display on the streets of Yulin - they are often cooked in front of customers - either barbecued or transformed into dog stew, whatever the customer chooses.

What are the authorities doing about this?

Locals claim this festival represents the true spirit of the area. Basically, over 10, 000 dogs are expected to be prepared to mark the Summer Solstice, an important date in the Chinese calendar. The pooches - mainly stolen pets that still have their collars on or strays - are grabbed from the streets or their yards, crammed in wire cages and piled into trucks, where they face a journey that can last even days (with just enough room to breathe and no food and water, one can imagine what they are going through). Because of these difficult conditions, many dogs do not even make it to Yulin. The dogs that are still breathing are put on display on the streets of Yulin - they are often cooked in front of customers - either barbecued or transformed into dog stew, whatever the customer chooses.

Yulin in The media

The festival has drew widespread international condemnation. Celebirities such as comedian Ricky Gervais, singer Leona Lewis and actor Matt Damon have come out and spoked against the event. In 2015, a huge protest was organized in front of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles by TV personalities Lisa Vanderpump and Sharon Osbourne. Pink Guy wrote a song about the event, entitled Dog Festival Directions, which featured on the 2017 album Pink Season

Call to action

I am asking everyone to take a stance against this festival and let the authorities know about our demands. We, the undersigned, hereto pledge to stop buying products Made In China and vow never to visit the great country of China unless our demands are met: we say No To Yulin 2018, we say NO to dog meat!

Please sign and share widely! Thank you

We, the undersigned call for our countries authorities to help stop this horrible festival

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The Say NO to Yulin dog festival petition to Xi Jinping - Presiden of the People' Republic of China, Thersa May - UK Prime Minister was written by Bente Elisabeth Østbø and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

rights DOGS Welfare