Kelly Lamrock, Minister of Education and Mary Laltoo, District Education Council, Gregg Ingersoll

Community schools are the backbone of our education system in New Brunswick. One week before the start of the school year, water damage was discovered at one of our schools and since then, the school has been temporarily closed and all of the students, staff, and teachers were moved to an already crowded school in town until further notice.

The temporary move was supposed to end around the first week of October but now it is the first week of November and the school has not re-opened. The impact on the environment is high due to many walking students now being delivered in their parents cars or by bus to the temporary school.

The impact on the parents, students, staff and teachers is high due to overcrowding, diminished programs, lower levels of community involvement compared to other years, and anxiety and frustration from waiting twice as long as promised to return to their community school.

Community schools are the backbone of our education system in New Brunswick. One week before the start of the school year, water damage was discovered at one of our schools and since then, the school has been temporarily closed and all of the students, staff, and teachers were moved to an already crowded school in town until further notice.

The school was supposed to be fixed within a month and the temporary move was supposed to end around the first week of October but now it is the first week of November and the school has not re-opened. The impact on the environment is high due to many walking students now being delivered in their parents' cars or by bus to the temporary school. The impact on the parents, students, staff and teachers is high due to overcrowding, diminished programs, lower levels of community involvement compared to other years, feeling like a visitor, and anxiety and frustration from waiting twice as long as promised to return to their community school.

We are the parents, students, staff, alumni and community stakeholders for Uplands School located at 387 Salisbury Rd, Moncton, NB, E1E 1B1, part of the NB School District 2 family.

Uplands is a vibrant elementary school with engaged parents, top notch teachers, well stocked book shelves, a smart board classroom, a very effective Home and School Committee and a strong extra curricular program.

The mission of Uplands School is to develop lifelong learners through a safe, personal, and caring learning environment committed to superior education.

Uplands School Code of Conduct
1. We take care of ourselves.
2. We take care of each other.
3. We take care of our school.

One of the key elements of NB3 is focusing the Community Schools Program on engaging local communities in helping their local schools improve literacy, mathematics and science scores.

"We are very proud of our commitment to build the best education system in Canada. In order to do that, we have to ensure that our kids have a solid foundation in literacy, mathematics and science." Kelly Lamrock

"When Kids Come First" is government's vision for building the best education system in the country. It was released in June 2007. Uplands School has addressed this vision in their school improvement plan http://www.district2.nbed.nb.ca/documents/schoolInformation/1560sip.pdf and successfully implemented it in October 2007.

This endorsement is in support of the repair and re-opening of Uplands, our community school as soon as possible in order to have no further disruption of the education or the displaced students, to stop the overcrowding of the temporary school location, Bessborough, and to stop the environmental impact due to driving students in buses and private cars across town who would normally walk to their neighborhood school.

It is our registered desire to see Uplands, our community school, restored and reestablished before the end of 2008. The cost to repair the school is minimal compared to the loss of the enriching environment and programs offered by Uplands that are not currently being realized due to the disruption. Literacy programs are more difficult to deliver, volunteers are not being utilized, students and parents are not getting to walk to school but have to fight through morning traffic in order to get their children to a temporary school across town.

Uplands Elementary School is crucial to the social fabric of our community. It provides the foundation for the education of our children, draws families to settle and participate in our community, and enables means for extended local, regional and provincial social services to the community.

New Brunswick School District 2 have excellent elementary and secondary schools in our region and we want this high standard of teaching and learning to be supported and continued at Uplands School in Moncton. An investment in the repair of the school is overdue and most urgently required if we are to continue to have quality education for our children and an active participant in the life and continued growth of our community.

“Our children’s future is theirs to create”

“Their education is ours to protect”

Please join our commitment to ensure the quick repair and reentry of Uplands School which will enable the teachers, staff, students, parents, and community to best support and provide better quality education for our children to enable their success for their future, and ours.

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The Save Uplands School in Moncton New Brunswick! petition to Kelly Lamrock, Minister of Education and Mary Laltoo, District Education Council, Gregg Ingersoll was written by Nadine Lipton and is in the category Education at GoPetition.