#Arts & Entertainment

The Dark Elf Soo sculpt has not been available since the discontinuation of the Delf line carried by Luts (2011).

We would love to see the Dark Elf Soo mold re-released in the form of a Fairyland Feeple BJD.

We, the undersigned, love the Dark Elf Soo head mold and would like it to be re-released as an option for the Feeple60 line.

Everyday more people find out about and join into this hobby. There are many collectors that have not had the opportunity to purchase the Dark Elf Soo sculpt that would love to be able to do so, especially since there is now the wonderful Feeple60 line that she could be a part of.

Please add the Dark Elf Soo to the Feeple60 line!

Thank you for your consideration of our request.

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The Requesting a Feeple60 Dark Elf Soo petition to Fairyland was written by Jessica Sivia and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.