United States of America

We would like to ask you to lend your voice to an issue.

Attached is a communication sent to Dr. Hardis regarding specific DMIB requests in relation to the One Bison Summit that occurred back in February at the high school. DMIB's endorsement of the summit was contingent upon very specific actions on the part of the District. The two actions we are currently concerned with are as follows:

• A statement from Dr. Hardis clearly stating that the District supports diversity and equity and condemns intolerance.
• The expectation that the district would conduct a survey following the summit and report on impressions of the summit within 30 days of the summit.

At this point the survey of students, parents, and staff has been fielded, but a summary of the results has not been published.

The statement from Dr. Hardis has not been made.

The DMIB Executive Board is asking that involved and concerned stakeholders, such as yourselves, sign this petition requesting that both the statement and survey summary be published as promised in order to continue to support the mission of diversity and transparency within the district.


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The Request One Bison Survey .... be published, as Promised petition to BEACHWOOD SCHOOL SYSTEM OHIO was written by DMIB44122 BeachwoodSchoolsOH and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

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