#City & Town Planning
Town of Remington
United States of America

• 2 mile buffer zone keeps a safe barrier for growth
• 2 mile buffer zone makes it harder for wind companies to enter our county
• Allowing the 2 mile buffer zone to be decreased to 1 mile will allow the possibility for 45 wind turbines to be built within Carpenter Township. This can decrease the value of our homes. Property values will decrease 20-40%.
• Backing the buffer zone down to 1 mile doesn’t give enough room for other commercial or industrial companies to build. When considering Remington they will pass because of the restrictions.

We the undersigned, ask for the Town of Remington, Indiana to keep the 2 mile buffer zone in place. Keeping the 2 mile buffer zone around Remington allows a SAFE barrier for commercial and industrial growth.

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The Remington 2 Mile Buffer petition to Town of Remington was written by Shyla Brown and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.