#Films & Movies
The Ministry of Lebanon

Gal Gadot may be an Israeli, but we want to watch a movie about the amazing character of Wonder Woman whom has been around for 75 years, and not a movie about an Israeli soldier. Wonder Woman is a female superhero, kids and adults love her, she is also and inspiration for women as there are not many superhero movies starring a female hero. That kind of movie should be shared even more instead of banning it. We have Superman and Batman movies, why should we not have a Wonder Woman movie? Because it stars an Israeli actress? Who cares about that? Why make Lebanon look weak and make us look like we can't handle a movie with an Israeli actress, are we that pathetic? We will not go down to this level.

We, the undersigned, call on the ministry to allow the movie Wonder Woman to show in cinemas across Lebanon. Sign the petition and release the movie to prove that a single Israeli actress cannot do harm to our country, while the movie on the other side, will do good and will inspire people.

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The Release Wonder Woman in Lebanon petition to The Ministry of Lebanon was written by Anonymous and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.