#Human Rights
UN Human Rights, Amnisty International, World Health Organization,King Salman Abdulaziz
Saudi Arabia

Humanitarian call to stop the looming crisis due to COVID-19 to imprisoned Ethiopian refugees in Saudi Arabia.
Addressed to His Highness King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
His Highness Mohamed Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman,
Human Rights watch,
Amnesty international,
The United Nation’s higher commission for refugees,
European Union,
The African union,
The Africa Human right commission
And Ethiopian government.
We are appealing to the government of Saudi Arabia and respected international and regional human right institutions to draw quick attention for thousands of migrant prisoners jailed in Saudi Arabia presently. These refugees are jailed in overcrowded prisons; we’ve learnt that the refugees haven’t got the opportunity to get appropriate sanitary necessities. We urgently advise the government of Saudi Arabia and the government of Ethiopia to expedite solution to protect the lives of these refugees from Covid-19.
We are demanding the government of Saudi to release prisoners who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, and providing urgent care for those refugees who are in serious medical conditions. If the government of Saudi isn’t willing to release them, it should alternatively respect its responsibility under the international law and transfer the refugees to other prison centers furnished with access too medical attention, testing, prevention and treatment.

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We, the undersigned, asking The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Royal Holinesses, Release unfairly imprisoned Refugee Ethiopians and most at risk from COVID-19 steadfast support in their time of need.

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The Humanitarian call to stop the looming crisis due to COVID-19 to imprisoned Ethiopian refugees in Saudi Arabia. petition to UN Human Rights, Amnisty International, World Health Organization,King Salman Abdulaziz was written by Esayas and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.