#Students' Rights
School of Music
SUNY Fredonia

In the 2008-2009 school year, the Voice Area Required list was replaced by the Voice Area Recommended list. Previously a list of events that students were required to go to where extraordinarily relevant information was presented to said students.

With the creation of the Voice Area Recommended list, students are no longer required to attend these events. Because of this, there has been a lack of interest and audience for these events. La Boheme, Messiah, Lessons and Carols, Masterworks, the choral showcase, masterclasses put on by SOTA, Company and whatever events that come into existence aren't being seen by a majority of the voice area. These events are for the betterment of the students attending SUNY Fredonia.

If thousands of dollars are being put into an event, the students should be there get introduced to a plethora of opportunities of musical advancement. If these events don't have large audiences, the likelihood of the quality of events dropping is very good.

We, the undersigned, call on the SUNY Fredonia School of Music to reinstate the Voice Area Required list to ensure that all students are able to experience the same opportunities for musical growth and, in turn, these events are seeing large audiences.

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The Reinstate the Voice Area Required List petition to School of Music was written by Jason Weisinger and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.