#Law Reform
Florida State Governer Rick Scott, President Obama, Florida House of Repersentives
United States of America

We want Law reform for Low risk and teenage sex offenders,we want to return sex offender registries back to their original intent, which is to track violent Sexual Predators. In cases of statutory rape we are only stigmatizing these offenders not treating them. A study conducted in 2008 shows there is no change in recidivitism rates with the new proximity rules.

All these laws are doing to these offenders are making it impossible for them to find work, putting alot of stress on there families, and forcing them into a life of crime. I am the "Victim" of a sexual offender speaking out from experience, my husband and I have been married for ten years and have three wonderful children. We have to live this stigmatizing everyday that we wake up. All because of a mistake we made when we were young.

Please help in our fight, and understand we are not defending Sexual predators that prey on young children. It is to help those who pose no threat to children.

"We, the undersigned, call on the president of the United States, House of Repersentatives, senate and the Gov. of Florida to reform the sex offender registry laws for low risk and teenage sex offenders. We want to return the registries back to their original intent, which is to track violent sexual predators.

We also want the reform of state and federal laws that promote a one size fits all policy that demonize our youth, and those forced to register, that have never abused a child or pose no threat to children.

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The Reformation of Sex Offender Laws petition to Florida State Governer Rick Scott, President Obama, Florida House of Repersentives was written by Jennifer Huml and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.