#Children's Rights
department of children and families
United States of America

my name is jordan elias. i suffered in the florida state foster care system for six years. i came out at age 18 without a penny to my name, and no family to support me. after age 13, in the state of florida, foster children are to be allotted an allowance from the foster parents paycheck, monthly. this allowance should be for misc. things beyond food, water, and shelter. i never received a dime of this.

i cannot take legal action because there was no required documentation, nor regulation, of funds between foster parent and foster child. i believe this should be the responsibility of the social worker to document these allowances and create a savings account for these children. there is a bank in central florida who has already waved the adult consent signature requirement for foster children ages 13 and up. these accounts can be tracked with ATM cards and the bank even offers %100 percent free checking accounts to these kids when they turn 18, which have high interest earnings.

now all we need is a state wide mandate for all of florida... and hopefully soon all of the U.S.. banks will fight for these accounts, and incentive for the social workers could come from the interest earned in these accounts.

we, the undersigned, call to the department of children and families for reform of the foster care system. it is the will of the undersigned to petition this institution for reform on the basis of neglect of the children.

we, the undersigned, acknowledge children's rights in the state of florida and believe these rights have been violated. we, the undersigned, petition a call to action on behalf of the department of children and families in support of these children. in support of these children, we, the undersigned, demand that new regulations be made to further the future of these children.

we, the undersigned, demand that it become the assigned case worker's responsibility to transfer, document, and monitor any and all funds rightfully belonging to said foster children.

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The Reform the Florida State Foster Care System petition to department of children and families was written by jordan elias and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.