Infinity Ward

Mw2 was a great game, with very little flaws. The guns were balanced and the maps were great! Why does no-one play it? Because there are 3 newer games, and people always want a newer game. Have you ever gone back to mw2, and imagined playing mw2 on mission? or Firing Range? It would be great!

What I propose is that you, the community, vote on YOUR favourite weapons, YOUR favourite maps and YOUR favourite game modes, perks, attachments, camos and equipment. i will create polls on pollcode.com for you to vote on. This new game would be great for trickshotters, feeders and also regular gunners, with the game as balanced as mw2 was, but with the maps that favor regular gunners. This game would be bought by many, because a, it is a cod game, and b, it would be the mix of everything good about the cod series. PRIMARY WEAPONS.

Vote for a sniper rifle @ http://poll.pollcode.com/63tjxr Vote for a Assault Rifle @ http://poll.pollcode.com/ht4ixd Vote for a Sub-Machine Gun @ http://poll.pollcode.com/7h4ugx Vote for a Light-Machine Gun @ http://poll.pollcode.com/e7onq7 Vote for a Shotgun @ http://poll.pollcode.com/ae8go2 The riot shield will be weapon. SECONDARY WEAPONS Vote for a pistol @ http://poll.pollcode.com/jinbl7 Vote for a Launcher @ http://poll.pollcode.com/ixa5gq

The specials will be a ballistic knife, crossbow and the new one that will be made, and decided upon on a later date.

We, the undersigned, call upon Infinity Ward and Treyarch to recreate mw2, with everything we love.

The things that we want in the new game will be collected from the polls on pollcode.com. We call upon Infinity Ward and Treyarch to work on the spawns, the lag, the matchmaking. We call upon Infinity Ward and Treyarch to LISTEN TO WHAT WE WANT IN A NEW GAME.

This new game would be with 6 new weapons, one in each class, lmg, smg, assault rifle, sniper rifle and special. NEW gun, not a retextured gun, but a new one. All the best guns, and 6 new ones.

We call upon Infinity Ward and Treyarch to work together to make the ultimate call of duty game, to be remembered for ever as the new benchmark in first-person shooters.

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The Recreate MW2! petition to Infinity Ward was written by Tait Lawsen and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.