#Media Issues
United States of America

As Youtuber, I wish to make the environment for my fans safe, when Youtube fails to follow their own rules and take channels down that are offensive. As such, I have witnessed my audience being harassed by the individual named Raven Queen Omega, whose channel is still up, despite that she keeps violating Youtube Guidelines with her videos, mainly Bullying and Harassment. She has been slandering and deframing me and making fake screenshots and impersonating accounts and has over 140+ youtube accounts

Here is the list of atrocities that she had done that can get her serious jail time and have her channel terminated-

Sent porn and nudes to minors, which is illegal. Not to mention, she sent them images of dead babies

Threatened to send a hitman after me

Domestic violence and being homophobic

Cyberbullies kids and threatens them with harm, such as in one of her videos, she threatened to beat someone's ass

Racism against a Youtuber named Aurora Snowstrider because she is a Russian (Raven took down her video after being called out on her racism)

Threatened her 'Haters' with knives and blender blades

Neary committed manslaughter, as Youtube user named Robonino has heart and lung problems and she harassed him to the point that he nearly died

And the cherry on this sour cake is that she drove someone to suicide

YouTubers that have called her out are Killer Creed, Aurora Snowstrider/Caleb Skywalker (Same individual) and The Dark Reindeer, which all were threatened by Raven.

By allowing Raven Queen Omega to stay on Youtube, they normalise cyberbullying, which is against their message that they want their platform to be safe. Please sign the petition and share it, as we must stop Raven Queen before she kills someone else with her bullying!

f you don't know about this monster named Raven Queen, she is a bully who likes fetish, bullying, threats and other crimes. Raven Queen is a YouTuber who subbotted the bots on 2018 or 2019. So, let's start! she is a youtuber who harasses people and is on diviantart now on the name of queenoftheravenfolk.and keeps attacking me with her stupid and TOXIC fanbase.She lied that my mother doesn't love me, when she loves me so fucking hard! She was racist, as she said the N word on the comments. No matter why she says the N word? She even bullies everyone on a Discord server and she acts like a inmature child.This is important

We have a new special soldier who can track down child predators and raven queen is one of them.thats why this army will be her downfall she came to my diviantart erlier threatening to false copyright claim my account and she used a imposter account to slander me, when she has no proof and i never copied anything.

Overwelming evidence https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VqaDfGXqHQAvoEGjXKg9aFRZDxH9paXZeKVLmO8j4Q/edit

What killer creed says about her is pretty accurete lol its funny she lied about me telling her to go k herself when she does it to cherry all the time and tells me to go kill myselfhttps://youtu.be/ajtWIQVkdUk


she also has doxxed ruth and other people

Susan Wojiski
Youtube staff
Youtube headqaurters
google staff
s Youtuber, I wish to make the environment for my fans safe, when Youtube fails to follow their own rules and take channels down that are offensive. As such, I have witnessed my audience being harassed by the individual named Raven Queen Omega, whose channel is still up, despite that she keeps violating Youtube Guidelines with her videos, mainly Bullying and Harassment. She has been slandering and deframing me and making fake screenshots and impersonating accounts and has over 140+ youtube accounts

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The Raven Queen Terminated off youtube petition to Youtube was written by Nucleareth Davis and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.