#Human Rights
United States of America

Accidents happen, and a baby should not come into this world unwanted. Not having a choice puts women in a financial disadvantage and increases the burden of the child. Do not have a child who will not be loved. Without abortions crime rates increase. Given the choice, women feel in control of their body and are empowered. Make the right choice and go Pro-Choice.

Take action and allow women to be in control of their own body. The Pro-Choice act goal is to allow women in making the decision of an abortion. Abortions help reduced that amount of unloved and unwanted children in this world. Not having the choice put the mom in financial disadvantage and could develop mental heath issues. Without abortions crime rate increases. If women have the choice of an abortion they feel in charge of their own body instead of the government controlling it. Make the write choice by going Pro-Choice,

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The Pro-Choice petition to Goverment was written by Alan Robertson and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

pro choice abortion