
I was wondering why there are no platypus villagers in Animal Crossing, so I came to a conclusion. It's racist that there are no platypus villagers in Animal Crossing. So please add them in the upcoming title. Also maybe add a feature that they're gone for a couple of hours and while they're gone, every other villager asks where they are. One of them could also be called Perry. These are the features which we've missed in the 3ds part.

We want platypus villagers in Animal Crossing. It's racist that there are no platypus villagers in Animal Crossing. So please add them in the upcoming title. Also maybe add a feature that they're gone for a couple of hours and while they're gone, every other villager asks where they are. One of them could also be called Perry.

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The Platypus in Animal Crossing switch petition to Nintendo was written by Lucy Thrun and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.