State Government

Currently in Victoria it is illegal for people under the age of 18 to play paintball, whilst people as young as 13 are able to play in other states around Australia!

Paintball has proved to be a fun, safe activity enjoyed by thousands of under 18 players each year around Australia and the World. To allow Victorians aged 16 and 17 to enjoy the sport of paintball, we are seeking people to join our petition in the month of May and show their support.

The Victorians participating in this petition wish to highlight the unfair age restrictions currently being enforced on players in Victoria.

We call on the State Government to change the minimum age to participate in the sport of paintball to be 16 years of age.

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The Petition to make Paintball legal for 16+ year olds in Victoria petition to State Government was written by Jake Dummett and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

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