United States of America

The American promise that equal and free human beings can govern ourselves has been the cornerstone of our democracy. Now the promise is broken. The problem has been a long time coming, but the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision has brought it to a crisis point.

Since the Court ruled that corporations are people and unlimited money in elections is free speech, more than $30 billion from corporations, unions and billionaires has poured into our political process to buy elections and control policy.

The Supreme Court’s misinterpretation of the Constitution can only be corrected by the Supreme Court itself or by a Constitutional amendment. But we will not wait for the courts; it is the people’s responsibility to take back our government and restore the American promise.

We, the undersigned, call on the United States congress to pass the 28th Amendment to overturn Citizens United v. FEC. The Amendment should reject Corporate personhood and cement the right of government to regulate political spending.

Now we need the American Promise.

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The Overturn Citizens United and Get Money Out of Politics petition to Congress was written by asdf and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.