#Animal Welfare
South African National Parks Board

A recent post share on facebook confirmed the open safari vehicle problem in the kruger national. There are over 250 pvt owned vehicle's operating in kruger. This petion is NOT intended to stop tourism at all and we are pro organised operations.

A recent visit on a normal Friday morning had 18 osvs on granokop with 160 people converging on the the peaceful lookout point. Numerous tourists were filmed simply going into the bush to use the toilet while the guides stood by chatting. 20 mins later another 9 osvs completely blocked of any chance of a lion sight on the sabie river. There were radios blaring... Guides chatting it was a circus.

This petition is done on the basis to ask parks board to have tighter controls over osvs. The self policing set us clearly does not work.

Here with some suggestions that could work:
1. A control room set up and controlled by parksboard using satellite tracking to monitor over crowing
2. The set up and running cost to be carried by the osv operators
3. Limiting the number of osvs to 5 per sighting as per the private reserves
4. Radio calling in of sightings to be penalized by parks board
5. Proper grading of guides to a minimum qualification on a one strike and out policy.

We the undersigned request the south african national parks to implement stricter policy for osv operators.

We would like satellite monitoring of osvs to control overcrowding at sites. Limiting of osvs to 5 per site as per pvt reserves. Parksboard to setup and operate a control room and all setup and running costs to be covered by osv operators.

Proper training and grading of guides. A proper code of conduct and discipline procedure. Total radio ban of sightings monitored by control room. A parksboard oprated complaints line with a ref number for feedback.

This petition is done not reduce tourism or stop osv operations but to ensure everybody has equal opportunity and a peaceful enjoyable holiday.

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The OSV Overcrowding petition to South African National Parks Board was written by Mark O'Donoghue and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.