PHHS School Board
United States of America

If we were to get traditional scheduling here at PHHS think of some of the classes that we couldn’t take. We talked to the ASL teacher who said that she may not be able to teach ASL anymore because she has to go over to the Middle School and help them. She also has to help the students here so she wouldn’t have any time to teach ASL.

Also, the I.C.E. and Vocational programs would be affected. Students going for Academic Honors Diplomas wouldn’t be able to take the Vocational and I.C.E. programs here at PHHS. Sports and after school activities would be affected too because we would have so much more homework since we would have at least 7 classes a day.

We get more one on one time with the teachers with the block scheduling. The teachers have more time during class to help explain things too us. Hopefully you understand why students and parents here at PHHS don’t want the Traditional Scheduling.

We, Students, Staff, and Parents at PHHS wish to allow the School Board to know that we do not approve of the traditional scheduling.

We wish the scheduling to stay the way that it is.

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The No to Traditional Scheduling at PHHS petition to PHHS School Board was written by Shelby and is in the category Education at GoPetition.