#Human Rights

Nuclear, Veronesi: “Sin not to take advantage of it No danger, to single Fukushima two died”

The universe is nuclear”. It is not in agreement with 27 million Italians who have rejected center them them to the slid referendum university professor Umberto Veronesi. Oncologo, but also at the head of the Agency for the Italian nuclear safety. “It is indeed a sin to have chosen not to take advantage of the atom - says - and its potentialities”. From doctor and former minister of the Health, Veronesi cannot not base its opinion on the health of the citizens.

And thus it explains: “In reality mortality to Chernobyl has been minimal and to Fukushima two persons are died”. It has been therefore “a strong emotional reaction” - provoked own from the crisis Japanese nuclear - to carry the great part of the Italians to refuse the released energy from the atom.

An excessive alarmism that hits the Italians in more occasions, seems to be the theory of the oncologo. That it cites the vicissitude of the polygon of Quirra *.^[1], in Sardinia, in which the rates mortality they are higher of the normal school and the inhabitants are remained made an impression from the case of a lamb been born with two witness. Where the Procura and the scientists are trying to understand if effectively us it is a nexus of poor causality between nuke, military and died activities sospette. “Even if nuke ago the fear - Veronesi adds -, is not dangerous. We have all I lean and within of we, it is one of the more diffuse elements in nature and is weakly radioactive”.

Nevertheless - in spite of the appeals to the calm launch from personality as Veronesi university professor - in Japan he is the same government not to be convinced. As well as for mortality they does not put into effect, how much the more for the future risks of the contaminated material. Much to today have disposed an immense monitoring on the cancellations to Tokyo, 240 kilometers to the south-west of the system of Fukushima Daiichi. Damaged they from the earthquake and the consequent one tsunami of slid March centers. The Japanese authorities have sent civil employees in the parks, the schools and other sensitive places of the city, for a total of one hundred places to analyze. The objective is that one to reassure beyond 13 million citizens with regard to the consequences of the losses - still not completely resolved - from the atomic plant.

“Us the mothers worried for the emergency of their children have asked - a civil employee of the government of Tokyo has explained -. Moreover people want to know which or the radiation level in the zone in which she lives”. Also in Japan, therefore, she worries herself to us, after that to the inhabitants it has been said not to give from drink to the children the water of the tap, above all potentially polluted. An alarm then re-entered, but that it has been replaced from the traces of injurious substances beyond the fixed threshold for law traced in some agricultural products, like the leaves of the tea, coming from farther zones much from Fukushima.

from: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ilfattoquotidiano.it%2F2011%2F06%2F17%2Fnucleare-veronesi-peccato-non-sfruttarlo-nessun-pericolo-a-fukushima-solo-due-morti%2F118849%2F&lp=it_en&btnTrUrl=Translate

*.^[1] vicissitude of the polygon Quirra :

See story in Italian: Story in Italian.

Nuclear, Veronesi: “Sin not to take advantage of it No danger, to single Fukushima two died”

The universe is nuclear”. It is not in agreement with 27 million Italians who have rejected center them them to the slid referendum university professor Umberto Veronesi. Oncologo, but also at the head of the Agency for the Italian nuclear safety. “It is indeed a sin to have chosen not to take advantage of the atom - says - and its potentialities”. From doctor and former minister of the Health, Veronesi cannot not base its opinion on the health of the citizens. And thus it explains: “In reality mortality to Chernobyl has been minimal and to Fukushima two persons are died”. It has been therefore “a strong emotional reaction” - provoked own from the crisis Japanese nuclear - to carry the great part of the Italians to refuse the released energy from the atom.

An excessive alarmism that hits the Italians in more occasions, seems to be the theory of the oncologo. That it cites the vicissitude of the polygon of Quirra *.^[1], in Sardinia, in which the rates mortality they are higher of the normal school and the inhabitants are remained made an impression from the case of a lamb been born with two witness. Where the Procura and the scientists are trying to understand if effectively us it is a nexus of poor causality between nuke, military and died activities sospette. “Even if nuke ago the fear - Veronesi adds -, is not dangerous. We have all I lean and within of we, it is one of the more diffuse elements in nature and is weakly radioactive”.

Nevertheless - in spite of the appeals to the calm launch from personality as Veronesi university professor - in Japan he is the same government not to be convinced. As well as for mortality they does not put into effect, how much the more for the future risks of the contaminated material. Much to today have disposed an immense monitoring on the cancellations to Tokyo, 240 kilometers to the south-west of the system of Fukushima Daiichi. Damaged they from the earthquake and the consequent one tsunami of slid March centers. The Japanese authorities have sent civil employees in the parks, the schools and other sensitive places of the city, for a total of one hundred places to analyze. The objective is that one to reassure beyond 13 million citizens with regard to the consequences of the losses - still not completely resolved - from the atomic plant.

“Us the mothers worried for the emergency of their children have asked - a civil employee of the government of Tokyo has explained -. Moreover people want to know which or the radiation level in the zone in which she lives”. Also in Japan, therefore, she worries herself to us, after that to the inhabitants it has been said not to give from drink to the children the water of the tap, above all potentially polluted. An alarm then re-entered, but that it has been replaced from the traces of injurious substances beyond the fixed threshold for law traced in some agricultural products, like the leaves of the tea, coming from farther zones much from Fukushima.

from: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ilfattoquotidiano.it%2F2011%2F06%2F17%2Fnucleare-veronesi-peccato-non-sfruttarlo-nessun-pericolo-a-fukushima-solo-due-morti%2F118849%2F&lp=it_en&btnTrUrl=Translate

*.^[1] vicissitude of the polygon Quirra :

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The NO TO THE NUKE petition to NO TO THE NUKE was written by paolo_del_bene and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.