#Law Reform
president barrack obama
United States of America

It is long past time that we grow up and quit acting like reefer madness is a real result of marijuana use.

We need to release the medicine to the sick and dying, to help alleviate their suffering and to let them and their DRs decide on a plan of treatment,not the government and lobbyists.

Cancer and many other illnesses are way up and chances are you know someone or are someone who has faced this disease and know the horrific effects of the disease and current treatments. Let's put some compassion back into the healthcare system.

President Barrack Obama: We the people of the United States Of America demand reconsideration and repeal of current marijuana laws.

We demand that marijuana be re-classified and taken off the same list as heroin and other harder,addictive substances. We ask that federal law be established to accept and protect its use in the medical community.

We do so in hopes of relief from terminal and severe illnesses and afflictions without fear of persecution or confinement. There is enough evidence, both public and suppressed to support the validity of this request. Thank you for your time and consideration.

We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Thank you; Mr. Kelly E Griffin.

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The National legalization of med marijuana for all who want/need it petition to president barrack obama was written by kelly e griffin and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

medical marijuana