#Law Reform
United States of America

America needs medical marijuana for our health, economic, and are rights as Americans. First is the health medical marijuana. It can help treat over 250 illnesses.

The AMA (American Medical Association) changed their view on medical marijuana and urged the feds to change marijuana out of the schedule one drugs. Proven fact: cigarettes are worse for you then marijuana yet there are still 1,016,438,356.16 cigarettes sold everyday.

Second of all is the economic benefits. The hemp that is produced by growing marijuana can be made into hundreds of items like paper and clothing and almost anything else you can think of. The government can and should tax it heavily. Legalization would open up a whole new industry along with millions of new jobs.

Last but not least is are own rights as Americans. In the case of Washington and Alaska who voted for legalization but there votes where not counted until later. The federal government is still conducting raids in states that have past there own laws. Feds still have it classified as a schedule one drug which have absolutely no medical purposes.

In the end America needs medical marijuana for its health benefits, economic benefits, and it is the right as Americans to decide that not just the politics in charge!

Medical marijuana should be legal to anyone who is subscribed to it by their doc. And the growing of the plant is legal to but no more then 6 plants per house.

To sell it you have to It will be taxed a stiff tax so the government can make money off this deal too. So elect only the people that stand for our cause.

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The Allow Medical Marijuana in U.S.A petition to everyone was written by Quintin and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

medical marijuana