#Roads & Transport
New Braunfels City Council
United States of America

On January 20th, there was a tragic loss of the life of Annon Snider, a resident of the Southbank neighborhood. The speed of the vehicle involved in the accident was less than 30 mph but more than 20 mph. The driver of the vehicle was a non-resident and may have not been familiar with the neighborhood. We request the following action:

1. Do not accept the recommendation of the Transportation and Traffic Advisory Board that will be presented on the City Council meeting on May 8th, as the traffic studies performed were insufficient:

a. In consideration of the reduction of the posted Speed Limit to 20 mph, the only study performed was to capture that the 85th percentile speed was below the posted speed limit of 30 mph.

b. This ignores Texas Transportation Code 545.353, requiring traffic investigation determining that the prima facie speed limit is unreasonable or unsafe for the road.

c. Our neighborhood does not have sidewalks, which is a standard requirement of new construction neighborhoods. We feel our unique road conditions justify further consideration and study.

2. Reduce posted speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph.

a. The accident on January 20th that involved a driver within the posted speed limit of 30 mph without showing any other signs of unsafe driving should be ample support the current posted speed limit is unsafe.

3. Post “Children at Play” signs at entrance of the neighborhood.

a. Warning signs are meant for drivers that are not familiar with road conditions, as was the non-resident driver in this accident.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now as a response to a tragic loss to take action for additional traffic safety measures in the Southbank neighborhood.

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The Make Southbank Streets Safe for our Children petition to New Braunfels City Council was written by Carrie Mabrito and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.