#Civil Rights
US Goverment
United States of America

MLK Day, Rosa PAfrican Americans don't have enough holidays so why not make a holiday better than MLK Day, that will respect ALL Blacks, Whites, Aisans and Mixed Race. All of the members of the FOR BLAX Movement made June 7 2008 Shamone Day. Named after Shamone Riley Harris, the woman who fought for equal rights with MLK and Rosa Parks. Today, you can help out by supporting this petition to make Shamone Day a national holidayarks Day, Black PantherMake Shamone Day an official holiday

African Americans don't have enough holidays so why not make a holiday better than MLK Day, that will respect ALL Blacks, Whites, Aisans and Mixed Race. All of the members of the FOR BLAX Movement made June 7 2008 Shamone Day. Named after Shamone Riley Harris, the woman who fought for equal rights with MLK and Rosa Parks. Today, you can help out by supporting this petition to make Shamone Day a national holiday

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The Make Shamone Day an official holiday petition to US Goverment was written by John Shaft Jr and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

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