Don Perata
United States of America

Of all of the developed western countries, the United States is one of the only contries that does not provide a form of universal health care. There are currently 45 million uninsured Americans. The United States is the richest and most powerfull country in the world, so why is it that we have so many uninsured citizens?

I created this petition in order to bring attention to the issue of health care in our country.

We, the United States citizens, ask Don Perata to further the government's limited health care programs to cover all uninsured citizens.

There are currently two government run health care programs, medicare and medicaid, but they do not cover the majority of citizens. The expansion of these programs would greatly benefit millions of people.

Please Senator Perata, work to further the government's involvement in providing Unversal Health Care.

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The Make Health Care accesible for all U.S. citizens petition to Don Perata was written by Theresa and is in the category Health at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

health care