United States of America

Many parents and Adults believe that you shouldn't be able to drink at the age of 18. However legally we are considered as "Adults."DUI in the US is a major problem today as well as Underage drinking.

In other countries, there are rarely any problems, mostly because drinking is a common activity and there are no rules to break by doing so. It is true that Teenagers love to break the rules and do forbidden things.

I believe that If the Drinking age is lowered, Kids wouldn't be trying so hard to prove the point that we indeed "can" still drink regardless if it is illegal or not.

We Agree that the Drinking age in the United States should be lowered to the age of 18 years.

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The Lower The Legal Drinking Age petition to Teens was written by Amberinthesun@hotmail.com and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

alcohol lower drinking