footballers wages
United Kingdom

Below are some of the highest earning footballers and their approximate earnings:
Lionel Messi - Argentina and FC Barcelona - £29.5m
David Bechham - England and LA Galaxy - £26.6m
Christiano Ronaldo - Portugal and Real Madrid - £26.3m
Kaká - Brazil and Real Madrid - £16.5m
Thierry Henry - France and New York Red Bulls - £15.8m
Ronaldinho - Brazil and AC Milan - £15.1m

Below are approximate earnings of various other professions:

Prime Minister - £142,500
Member of Parliament - £65,738
Aircraft pilots and flight engineers - £73,281
Train driver - £40,337
Secondary education teaching professionals - £36,243
Chemists - £35,576
Fire service officers (leading fire officer and below) - £30,374
Painters & Decorators - £22,224
Clergy - £21,740
Travel agents - £19,674

I'm writing this petition because its disgusting that footballers get grands a week for running up and down a field for 90 minutes yet soldiers risk there lives to protect our country and they get grands in a year!

There are firemen and police who risk their lives everyday and don't get paid enough. There are nurses who save lives everyday and don't get paid enough when it's them who are actually protecting us and getting no praise or attention. They are the real heroes!

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The Lower footballers' wages petition to footballers wages was written by shannon and is in the category Football at GoPetition.