The Times of Israel

The current Israeli government is pressing ahead with a package of legislation which would overhaul the judicial system. While it is widely agreed that the current system could be improved, the. Knesset is advancing a law which would give representatives and appointees of the government an automatic majority on the committee, effectively allowing the government to choose the judges. It would also have the capacity to overrule them with a simple majority.

We believe that the implementation of the proposed reform will deal a mortal blow to the independence of the judiciary and will change the Israeli system from a liberal democracy with protections for minorities to a tyranny of majority rule.

The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel states that the The State of Israel "will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture..."

The only institution which currently focuses on protecting these rights is the Supreme Court.

This petition is an expression of our love of Israel. We can't bear to see the way the country is being torn apart but we cannot remain silent.

By signing this petition, we are lending our support for those who are demonstrating against the judicial overhaul. We want our brothers and sisters in Israel to know that we care about them, about the country and its future. Many of us are speaking not just for ourselves, but for those who came before us. For generations, diaspora Jews were instrumental in the development and support of the State of Israel.

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The Letter from Jews in the Diaspora who are against the judicial overhaul petition to The Times of Israel was written by Anonymous and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.