#Freedom of Expression
Ellsworth School Department
United States of America

I believe that we should teach boys/men to not sexualize women and to not teach girls that it's THEIR fault that they get distracted just because of the clothes they are wearing. We need to teach boys to respect women and that we are NOT objects. How we dress is not a "distraction." "Women ask for it in how they dress" No. We are not objects and what we wear shouldn't concern anyone. We are not objects. Showing skin is NOT wrong. It builds up self confidence in girls/boys. LET US WEAR WHAT WE WANT!

We, the undersigned, call on the ESD to let us girls/guys wear what we want and to teach at a young age to respect us and to not treat us like objects

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The Let Girls Wear What They Want petition to Ellsworth School Department was written by Trinity Faulkner and is in the category Freedom of Expression at GoPetition.