The Department of Immigration and all others involved with the case of May King's residency

May King Tsang has spent many years making her home here in Australia. A clear cut example of benevolence as the hand of a acclaimed tea expert reaches out to touch Queensland businesses as a whole in their time of need. The creation of Queensland Business has measured it's effectiveness in leaps and bounds as it strengthens the integration of the small business community and extends the reach of those businesses.

Our public servants at our Department of Immigration have seen fit to review May King's residency due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances.

As May King's integral role, her carved place, in Queensland is clear to us we wish to clearly communicate it to all involved in representing us in this matter.

The following is a snap shot of the support already flooding in for May King;

"Because May King is the founder of QBG has been an integral part of the creation of a huge community of supportive, creative and diverse QLD business people... and she is awesome... and she is a friend as well as a mentor"

"QBG arrived at a time when confidence was low (think Queensland floods) belts were being tightened, and businesses were looking at creative ways to leverage their services, strategically align with other business owners, and seek help and ideas to build stronger more resilient enterprises. As a result we have continued to flourish and thrive, which will serve us well into the future as the economy strengthens. May King Tsang began this process, formed a team, and created an online community that serves as a benchmark to other such communities. May King is indeed a pioneer, and we are privileged to have her here!"

"Put simply May King Tsang adds value to the wider business community and is unique. No-one can do exactly what she does (and has done) or it would have been done before she was involved.
Australia needs more people like her, not less and she would be a great loss to the business community of SME's at a time when it is struggling."

"It doesn't make sense - so many people come to Australia and TAKE what they want and return home. May King has come to this country and GIVEN so much to so many, creating a tremendous Queensland Business community and yet Immigration want to send her away - what the?! WE NEED MAY KING!"

These and many other loud words of support can be found at:


We, the undersigned, call on the Department of Immigration, review Tribunal and all others involved in the case of May King Tsang's residency to make the obvious and supported decision of allowing May King to remain where she has carved her place, where she belongs.

As the general public of Queensland we wish to speak loudly and clearly to our public servants when we convey how unfortunate the hasty decision to bring her residency into question is and how happy we are to confidently expect the tribunal to be quick and effective when resolving this grievous error.

Information regarding to and support already demonstrated will be provided in the background section of this petition.

We look forward to a hasty resolution,

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The Keep May King Tsang where she belongs petition to The Department of Immigration and all others involved with the case of May King's residency was written by Clinton Symons and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.