#Human Rights
Congressman Michael Oxley
United States of America

This petiton is for the purpose of protecting our children against neglect and abuse. It is to be used for the protection of children who are placed in abusive situations. It is soley for the purpose that the parents,guardians, or foster parents who commit these crimes will be punished and not slapped on the wrist with freedom.

This has been derived from a story of children in foster care who were locked in 3 by 3 cages at night. At the end of the article the parents or foster parents were never even charged with a crime.

What has happened to our society when we treat our animals better than our children and go free. Please help me to stop this violence and help the future of our children be protected.

Please Help Protect Our Children from Neglect and Child Abuse by helping to stop parents, guardians, and foster parents from going free who commit these crimes.

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The Human Rights and Protection for Children Against Abuse petition to Congressman Michael Oxley was written by RevT and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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