Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo

Between 2016 and 2020, 60 major commercial and investment banks together invested $3.8 trillion in fossil fuel corporations, five years after the Paris Agreement was signed. The fossil fuel industry (together with animal agriculture) is a major contributor to climate change. The money provided to the fossil fuel companies could be used to construct an oil pipeline or fun deforestation projects that evict vulnerable communities. Pollution from coal, oil, and gas exploitation is heating our planet and exacerbating natural calamities. Executives and policymakers in the fossil fuel industry have known this for decades.

Major banks around the world are using your money to fund the climate crisis. That is why we need to hold the top US banks: Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo accountable to immediately stop funding fossil fuel expansion. By doing so, we are cutting off the money pipeline that is the fossil fuel industry's sole hope of survival in a world eager to transition to clean energy.
Zenerations urges all defenders of our planet to close any accounts they may have at these banks and request a meeting with the branch manager to explain the reason why you are closing your account. By signing this petition, you will be compelling these banks to act properly and stop funding the fossil fuel industry.

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The Hold banks accountable for funding fossil fuels petition to Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo was written by Zenerations Organisation and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.