Rick Haley, principle Hastings School 95 pulberry st wpg MB

Thank you all for you support. Halloween and the winter concert have both been re-instated to the school year at hastings school. Your all to thank for this. The children are the real winners.

As per the official minutes of the September 11th, 2013, Hastings school parent association annual general meeting, Rick Haley (principle of Hastings school) stated the following two statements. "No winter concert will be held this year. There will be a spring concert instead. In December, there will be an evening event of African drumming instead." And "This year there will be no Halloween costumes or parties. there will instead be fall celebrations."

These two events are apart of growing up in Canada, and the petitioner Stephen Meleck believes they should be included in the 2013-2014 school year at Hastings school.

Stephen Jeremy Meleck, citizen of Canada and living in the electoral district of St. Boniface, resident of Winnipeg Manitoba, would draw the attention of Rick Haley, principle of hastings school, in the electoral district of St. Boniface in Winnipeg Manitoba, that the parents of the students that you administer at Hastings school, wish that you reconsider the removal of the "Winter concert", and Halloween from your 2013-2014 school year.

Therefore Stephen Jeremy Meleck (representing Hastings school parents), calls upon you(Rick Haley, principle of Hastings school), to reinstate both the winter concert and Halloween celebrations into the 2013-2014 school year.

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The Reinstate the Halloween and Winter Concert at Hastings petition to Rick Haley, principle Hastings School 95 pulberry st wpg MB was written by stephen meleck and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.