Rockstar Games


Until GTA:Vice City PC versions of this game have been published first,or at the same time as the console version,all gamers were happy.

But later on things got worse,and we,the PC gamers got cut up on the game.Cut up for a lot,6 months.

So usually consoles get the premiere,and PC get's the scraps.


Sve do izdanja igre GTA:Vice city PC verzije ove igre bile izdane u isto ili ranije vrijeme naspram konzolnih verzija ove igre.Svi "Gejmeri" su bili sretni.

No kasnije stvari su se pogoršale i PC "Gejmeri" su ostali oštečeni za veliki period vremena izdavanja ovih igara.Šest mjeseci točnije.

Dakle obično konzole dobije premijeru,dok PC dobije samo "ostatke".


I want you to sign this petition to end the injustice, and if it's to late to end it with GTA:IV,then we ask of Rockstar to end it with the next sequel.
Please stop treating PC gamers like the last audience you want.




Želim da potpišete ovu peticiju kako bi završili ovu nepravdu,a ako je prekasno da se ova nepravda završi sa GTA:IV,onda molimo Rockstar da završi sa sljedećim.
Molimo Vas,prestanite tretirati PC "gejmere" kao zadnju "publiku" koju želite.


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The GTA:IV on PC petition to Rockstar Games was written by Marin Tolić and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.