Prime Minister of Trinidad
Trinidad and Tobago

LNG offers the best alternative to oil for energy in the Caribbean but small islands are not looked after by LNG majors

A new, small scale LNG production plant in Trinidad offers the only realistic chance for the small islands to have a competitive, efficient, well incentivised, supply partner for LNG

Dear Prime Minister,

Please support the private sector in their efforts to develop a new, small scale, LNG supply from Trinidad.

Atlantic is not listening to our pleas... it seems they're too big and too international ever to listen.

But Prime Minister, our need is real, our economies suffering, our environment unnecessarily damaged day by day.

As our trusted Caribbean partner please sell us gas too. We'll pay the market rates, we'll be there through good times and bad for years to come.

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The Gas Please Trinidad petition to Prime Minister of Trinidad was written by Roland Fisher and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.