#Human Rights
Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon,

UPDATE April 17 , 2013

Mona Amri and Rufeya Pakzadan free on bail

Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan ( مونا امری حصاری و روفیا پاکزادان ), two Bahai women living in Gorgan who were arrested on March 18, were released on bail on April 1. They had been held in Amir Abad prison in Gorgan for 24 days. They have been charged with membership of Bahai organisations, teaching the Bahai Faith, and communicating with foreign governments. Bail for Rufeya Pakzadan was set at 100 million tumans (62,000 euros, $US81,000), and for Mona Amri at 150 million tumans (93,000 euros, $US122,000).

Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan in Amir Abad prison

Sen´s Daily March 24 , 2013

Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan ( مونا امری حصاری و روفیا پاکزادان ), two Bahai women living in Gorgan who were arrested on March 18, have been charged and, on a judge’s orders, transferred to Amir Abad prison in Gorgan. On October 17, 2012, security forces in Gorgan arrested 17 Bahais in a series of coordinated and sometimes violent raids on Bahai homes.

Six of these arrestees, and one Bahai from Gonbad who was already being held at that time, were transferred to Raja’i Shahr prison, near Tehran, where they are being held in ‘temporary’ detention (see the previous report on this blog).

Others have apparently been released, since Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan are reported to be the only Bahais in prison in Gorgan at present.

Immediate & Unconditional Release of Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan.

The Free the 2 Baha´i Women Mona Amri Hesari and Rufeya Pakzadan petition to Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon, was written by Anette Meyer and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.