#Human Rights
Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon,

Political prisoner Mohammadamin Agoshi
on hunger strike – Day 9

Agoshi's condition alarming because of age and heat

Hrana 11th July, 2013

HRANA News Agency – Kurdish teacher Mohammadamin Agoshi, 53, began his hunger strike in Zahadan Central Prison on June 30, 2013 after authorities turned down his request for furlough or conditional release.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Agoshi’s condition is alarming because of his old age. Also, extreme summer heat in Zahadan has been a contributing factor for his deterioration. “He hasn’t had any contact with anyone outside the prison since the hunger strike began,” Agoshi’s daughter said. “One of his cell-mates called to tell us the news. But Father had already said that he was planning to go on hunger strike if they don’t grant him conditional release or pardon.”

“We’ve been told that he’s suffering from an ulcer and is feeling extremely bad,” Agoshi’s daughter added. “He has even attempted to cover his head with plaster. When they were trying to remove the cast, all his hair was pulled out. There are injuries to his scalp as well. We are planning to go to the court house on Tuesday, July 9th to protest.”

Agoshi is suffering from a nervous breakdown but has been denied medical care. His family had to travel for 72 hours from West Azerbaijan to Zahadan in order to see him in prison only for one hour.

In 2007, Agoshi was arrested on charges of conspiracy, spying for the Kurdistan Regional Government, waging war against God (Moharebeh), and helping opposition groups. Two other individuals, Iraj Mohammadi and Ahmad Poladkhani, were arrested at the same time.

After spending seven months in solitary confinement, Agoshi was transferred to Urmia’s Central Prison. He was then court-marshaled and sentenced to execution by firing squad. Later on, the Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the second branch of the Military Court. However, Agoshi’s case together with that of two other defendants were revisited, and his death sentence was commuted to ten years behind bars. Agoshi was then exiled to Zahadan to spend his prison term.

Source : Hrana


Immediate & Unconditional Release of Mohammadamin Agoshi.

The Free Mohammadamin Agoshi petition to Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon, was written by Anette Meyer and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.