65 million UK residents
United Kingdom

Getting people better through food intolerance testing is new to mainstream scientific opinion. When we accept that UK's biggest killer - heart desease which kills 110,00 per year - is partly atributable to food, then why not assume that other less serious illness are also cause by what we eat?

I have documentary evidence to suggest that the NHS are letting down their patients by not recommending a successful and scientifically validated health management proposition.

The NHS treats 1 million patients ever 36 hours. For every patient the government spends on average £6,762 a year. These are significant costs to the tax payer yet the NHS are letting down patients by not getting many of them better. Food intolerance testing could save the NHS billions of pounds, and get patients better quicker.

A recent survey suggests that 66% of patients use the NHS for at least three years (32% for ten years of more) before patients take matters into their own hands and get better using food intolerance testing.

We propose to petition the Government to allow the NHS to prescribe food intolerance tests as a way of combatting a number of chronic illness. It has a duty to serve its patients and the tax payer.

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The Free Food Intolerance tests on the NHS petition to 65 million UK residents was written by Les and is in the category Health at GoPetition.