Roland Corporation

On November 14, 2015, Roland started an exclusive promotion for everyone having purchased a TR-8 drum machine (http://www.rolandus.com/news_events/current_promos/details/174).

The promotion is only for the USA and valid only for any purchase between September 24, 2015, and December 31, 2015. Anyone who purchased a TR-8 in this time frame will get the 7x7 expansion for free.

We, legitimate early buyers, Roland users and customers worldwide, find Roland's attitude unacceptable. Firstly by running this unfair offer, secondly by never responding to any of said customers as to why they're deprived.
Many users from all over the world have already expressed their anger, disappointment and feeling of being betrayed and unconsidered. Early TR-8 buyers should by all means get the 7x7 expansion as well. There is no valid reason why legitimate users who paid for an expensive product (their beloved TR-8) should be underprivileged.

Roland is a very well known, reknown and fully established brand since more than 30 years now. This company has gained a major success thanks to its customers who are users before being mere customers. Roland keeps making money everyday thanks to its customers, but fails to consider them and show them the gratitude they deserve. That's why we, legitimate early buyers, Roland users and customers worldwide, ask Roland to really show what they're capable of, by giving away one 7X7 Drum Machine Expansion for free to all existing TR-8 owners.

I, the undersigned, solemnly ask Roland Corporation, Japan, to send me, as a legitimate TR-8 owner, a free redemption code for the 7x7 Drum Expansion.

I hereby declare that I have already purchased at least one TR-8 drum machine, thereby providing success to a 30+ year successful music instruments manufacturing company.

I also declare that I can provide any proof of purchase upon demand.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The Free 7x7 expansion for all Roland TR-8 owners petition to Roland Corporation was written by Oper-8 and is in the category Music at GoPetition.