#Consumer Affairs
Griffith University Accommodation

Star tech. Griffith University on-campus students shudder at the thought of the words. Many a pain has been caused by slow internet, lack of network, shaped downloading speeds, random drop-outs and inability to access the intranet, which is necessary in order to complete our courses.

We need a change. We need reliable, fast internet, preferably with a network. Otherwise, we shall resort to running ethernet cables throughout our flats, increasing the chances of injuries via tripping.

Download speeds of around 20kB/second are unacceptable when we were led to believe that we would be getting a speed of 512kBps (which should download at AT LEAST 50kB/s on a bad day. It should reach around 64kB/s normally.). This is an example of false advertising, and there was nothing mentioned in the terms and conditions that they could change the speed at any time.

Join us! Unshape our internet, make it reliable. As consumers, we deserve better.

We, the undersigned, call on Griffith University to either remove Star Tech as the internet service provider or request them to fix our internet.

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The Fix Internet speeds for Griffith University on-campus students! petition to Griffith University Accommodation was written by Elly Greene and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.