#Animal Welfare
WalMart Franchise
United States of America

Millions of people shop at the WalMart franchise daily. How many times have you, the patrons witnessed the gross neglect and carelessness of the aquatic life?

How many have seen dead or sick beta fish in slimy water or normally docile fish packed into a 1.5 gallon tank resulting to eating each other or just simply dying.

The franchise doesn't care, the staff doesn't care so helpless creatures are left to die it is time for this to end.

Millions shop at WalMart, and those millions have likely seen the gross neglect and carelessness of the well being of aquatic life. Beta fish left in cups of stagnate water diseased or dead the living are barely alive.

Hundreds of fish crammed in a 1.5 gallon tank. Most of them normally docile, result to eating each other or simply lose their will to live.

This has to STOP!! the WalMart franchise should be banned from selling live fish because they simply DON'T care.

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The Fish Lovers Against WalMart petition to WalMart Franchise was written by Genna and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.