Local Government
United Kingdom

As a young family who work, have lived here all our lives and pay taxes, we have been on the social housing list for nearly three years and have still not been housed.

Honest, hardworking and genuine people should be allocated more points and higher housing priority.

In addition to the current points system, more points should be given to:

1. Married families

2. People with children over one

3. Working couples (where 1 or both partner works full time)

4. People that have lived in the area all of their lives.

Mental health problems should be assesed as equally as physical conditions.

This petition will be presented to Aylesbury Vale District Council, David Lidington MP & Gordon Brown, Prime Minister.

In signing this petiton you are supporting the request fairer social housing allocation to Married, Working families as listed above.

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The Fairer Social Housing Allocation petition to Local Government was written by Laura Truby and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.