United States of America

In 2007 a law firm decided to merge with a larger law firm. In retrospect of this, the combined firm slowly decided on common practices, i.e. pay, vacation, benefits and the like. The larger of the two firms took "control." the smaller firm was to adhere to most of the larger firms amenities and practices.

We were re-hired to the larger firm on the date of the merge (January 1, 2007). We were informed that many changes would occur and affect ALL offices around. the larger firm in Pittsburgh became the global network for the rest of the firms. Slowly changes have been made, mainly indecisive and impractical changes. Healthcare is a major benefit our firm serves; it's highly competitive, extrememly flexible and comes in low costs.

Currently (and as legacy employees) the majority of us were paying between $15-30 monthly and taken directly out of our paycheck. This is based on what coverage you had, dependents, etc. As of last week, we were informed that an increase would take place at the beginning of 2008.

We have been duly informed the conditions recently, giving us a two month notice. As of 2008, we now will be paying anywhere from $33 - 55 BI-monthly. That is now per paycheck, not per month. In essence, our premium is going up __%. for single people, it can be seen that we are going to be paying ut over months rent in a yr. Our annual salary increases (raises) usually come into effect on the beginning of each yr. that also has changed to March of 2008. So for two months, we will not see a raise in our salaries.

In essence, no "actual" raise will take place. We figure that IF we receive an $1100 raise, we can break even and it will NOT harm us financially. BUT inflation is also a factor.... there seems to be NO reward for the success we have helped the firm endure

Reevaluate the healthcare package for single people with NO dependents. The following need to be taken into account: inflation, cost of living, the absurd rise in payments, pay cuts, we are being lacerated for being young single professionals trying to make it in the big city.

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The Fair health care premiums petition to Employers was written by Erica Lucero and is in the category Health at GoPetition.