Governor Rick Snyder
United States of America

This petition is in regards to the worldwide number of men and women who are greatly affected by the systematic guidelines and regulations of the child support laws. In my observance and research on the subject, it is clear to me why this unlawful and unconstitutional system ought to be revised to the highest degree.

Most men who are behind in payments simply cannot afford to pay their monthly obligation. The vast majority of women who receive government assistance are practically forced to put the father through the system in order to initiate or continue their benefits. Less than 11% of fathers are actually "deadbeats" but are portrayed as the majority. Over 20% of custodial mothers have came to other financial and supportive agreements but are not in compliance with the F.O.C.

In turn, felony warrants are being issued at alarming rates. It then creates a snowball effect starting with the father, then to the mother, and most importantly, the children. Without the eligibility of employment, good men with good intentions are being imprisoned adding to the nations epidemic.


We, the undersigned parties, move to have the Michigan Child Support laws and enforcements revised to a more sensible and fair degree.

Although most custodial parents need help, extensive penalties and imprisoning the non-custodial parent is not the best method.

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The Extreme Revision Of Child Support Laws, Regulations, and Enforcements petition to Governor Rick Snyder was written by Anthony Dobbins and is in the category Government at GoPetition.