Mohawk College

Class room sizes are too small for the number of students. There are not enough desks for students to sit in.

Over crowded class rooms produce too much heat and an uncomfortable learning atmosphere.

This environment could hinder students with health issues and cause them to become extremely ill. Some of us have hypertension and congenital heart diseases.

We have to arrive at least thirty minutes early in order to grab a desk. For the students who travel by public transit, they now have to leave one hour earlier than their usual time. Several students are dealing with heart condition health issues, and corralling them in small confine class rooms places them in a very vulnerable situation.

Furthermore, every time we go into one of these class rooms we loose precious education time in order to try and accommodate the students who do not have desks.

Another issue that we find totally ridiculous is having us change class rooms when we have the same professor for three consecutive subjects. It would be much simpler to have the students stay in the same class room and have the professor come to us. This would also reduce the amount of students in the corridors.

Mohawk College is instilling a lack of professionalism on which a business should be run.

Finding this absolutely unacceptable we demand that this situation be rectified immediately.

We, the students of the Business Insurance program, are frustrated at the sizes of the class rooms being too small.

We believe that Mohawk College has put its interest of profit ahead of its responsibility to its students. What happened to your motto of Putting Students First and we are committed to your success?

We feel that we are being treated unfairly. Inadequate class room sizes with poor deskspace for each us is absolutely unacceptable.

We have the right to be taught in a comfortable, stress free atmosphere.

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The Enlarge class room sizes at Mohawk College petition to Mohawk College was written by Jean and is in the category Education at GoPetition.