www.dailykos.com members
United States of America

The effort to be successfully pass President Obama's legislative agenda and the President's ability to appoint qualified individuals to open positions in the executive and judicial branches has been effectively stymied by obstruction Republicans and Senator Harry Reid's near total failure of leadership as Majority Leader.

What progressive Democrats can do today is pledge to refuse to contribute any money to the any Democratic senatorial election campaign or to the DSCC or to any PAC.

This pledge will remain in effect until such time as Senator Reid's leadership failure is successfully addressed by the Democratic Senatorial Caucus and Senator Read is removed from his position as Majority Leader by Democratic Senators.

I pledge that, as a Democratic or independent voter who is very concerned with the inability of the Senate Democratic Majority to effectively pass President Obama's important legislative agenda and to the Senate's near total inability to effectively process the President's qualified appointments to open administrative and judicial positions in the government, I will refuse to contribute to any Democratic Senatorial Campaign, or to the DSCC, or to any related PAC, until such time as Senator Harry Reid is removed from any position of leadership within the Democratic Senatorial Caucus.

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The Dump Senator Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader NOW petition to www.dailykos.com members was written by Martin Cicchino and is in the category Government at GoPetition.