#National Affairs
Leaders of the RNC in Nevada and Members of the Nevada Legislature
United States of America

This is a grassroots effort to unify the millions of members of the Republican Party disenfranchised by the poorly planned, poorly conducted, and subsequently failed 2008 primary election process.

We are appealing to our leaders in each of our respective states to act judiciously to remedy this catastrophe on behalf of the members of the Republican Party and the American people.

We call for a new Republican primary election to be responsibly conducted in a fair and effective manner, in every state, simultaneously, before the 2008 general election.

To the Leaders of the Republican National Committee and the Members of the State Legislature in the state of NEVADA:

We, the undersigned registered members of the Republican Party in the state of NEVADA, hereby protest and reject the current and ongoing results of the 2008 Republican presidential primary selection process on the grounds that the incongruous methods, rules, and provisions set forth by the individual and various state Republican National Committee Leaders, and the members of the various State Legislatures, have failed to provide the members of the Republican Party across the nation with an effective primary election process, thwarted our objective to identify the candidate who is unifying choice of the majority of the members of the party, deprived the Republican Party of faithful representation in the up-coming general election, and has disenfranchised millions of voters in our state and across the nation.

As registered members of the Republican Party, we demand to be provided with an overall effective presidential primary election process regardless of where we live.

We call for a National Republican Primary Election be held in every state, across our nation on the same day before the general election in November.

We ask that the names of every willing candidate originally participating in the 2008 race be included on the ballot.

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The Disenfranchised Nevada Republican Voters Demand New 2008 Primary Election petition to Leaders of the RNC in Nevada and Members of the Nevada Legislature was written by FairPrimary and is in the category National Affairs at GoPetition.