#Local Government
Ashford Borough Council
United Kingdom

The Ashford Local Plan is about to be adopted. It defines in policies where development may take place. Recently residents were asked to comment on a village confines plan - this defines where a village envelop ends- i.e where a village comes to an end and thus up to where development can take place. . These 2 documents should be in alignment - both the Local Plan and the confines, clearly identifying where development is permitted, and where it is not because it falls outside the defined catchment area.
These 2 documents however do not work in alignment - one contradicts the other and means that residents have no clearly defined blueprint of where and where not development is permitted.

We the undersigned, call on Ashford Borough Council to align the Ashford Local Plan Policies, in particular HOU3a and HOU5, and the Village confines with regard to permitted development areas,
We call on the Council to respect and differentiate when villages have areas that have historically been separate or infdividually defined such as "upper" or 'lower'
It should be define by historical name
a) those village areas by known names where development is permitted
b) those village areas by known names that are outside the confines boundary and are therefore inappropriate for development.

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The Defining Confines - creating clarity in where development is permitted petition to Ashford Borough Council was written by Cllr Jane MA Martin and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.